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数智学术论坛:胡波 博士

报告时间: 2022-11-04 14:00——2022-11-04 16:00

报告地点: 腾讯会议:745-406-998

报告题目: Construction of mixed-level screening designs using Hadamard matrices.

报告人:胡波 博士

主办单位:数据科学与人工智能学院 数理统计研究中心





 Modern experiments typically involve a very large number of variables. Screening designs allow experimenters to identify active factors in a minimum number of trials. To save costs, only low-level factorial designs are considered for screening experiments, especially two- and three-level designs. In this article, we provide a systematic method to construct screening designs that contain both two- and three-level factors based on Hadamard matrices with the fold-over structure. The proposed designs have good performance in terms of D-optimal and A-optimal criteria, and the estimates of the main effects are unbiased by the second-order effects, making them very suitable for screening experiments. Besides, some theoretical results on D- and A-optimality are obtained as a by-product.


撰稿:孙晓霞   审核:富宇     单位:数据科学与人工智能学院